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AWS instances

An instance is a virtual server with a well specified set of resources
including:  CPU cycles, main memory, secondary storage,
communication and I/O bandwidth.
• The user chooses:
• The region and the availability zone where this virtual server
should be placed.
• An instance type from a limited menu of instance types.
• When launched, an instance is provided with a DNS name; this name
maps to a
• private IP address

for internal communication within the
internal EC2 communication network.
• public IP address

for communication outside the internal
Amazon network, e.g., for communication with the user that
launched the instance.

Network Address Translation (NAT) maps external IP
addresses to internal ones.
• The public IP address is assigned for the lifetime of an
• An instance can request an
elastic IP address
, rather
than a public IP address. The elastic IP address is a static
public IP address allocated to an instance from the
available pool of the availability zone.
• An elastic IP address is not released when the instance is
stopped or terminated and must be released when no
longer needed.

Challenges for cloud computing

Availability of service; what happens when the service provider
cannot deliver?

• Diversity of  services, data organization, user interfaces available
at different service providers limit user mobility; once a customer is
hooked to one provider it is hard to move to another.
Standardization efforts at NIST!

• Data confidentiality and auditability, a serious problem.

• Data transfer bottleneck; many applications are data-intensive .

Performance unpredictability, one of the consequences of resource
– How to use resource virtualization and performance isolation for QoS
– How to support elasticity, the ability to scale up and down quickly?

• Resource management;  are self-organization and self-management
the solution?

• Security and confidentiality;  major concern.

• Addressing these  challenges provides good research

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
• The user is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can
include operating systems and applications.

• The user does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage,
deployed applications, and possibly limited control of some
networking components, e.g., host firewalls.

• Services offered by this delivery model include:  server hosting, Web
servers, storage, computing hardware, operating systems, virtual
instances, load balancing, Internet access, and bandwidth

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
• Applications are supplied by the service provider.
• The user does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure or individual application capabilities.
• Services offered include:
– Enterprise services such as: workflow management, group-ware and
collaborative, supply chain, communications, digital signature, customer
relationship management (CRM), desktop software, financial
management, geo-spatial, and search.
– Web 2.0 applications such as: metadata management, social
networking, blogs, wiki services, and portal services.
• Not suitable for real-time applications or for those where data is not
allowed to be hosted externally.
• Examples: Gmail, Google search engine.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
• Allows a cloud user  to deploy consumer-created or acquired
applications using programming languages and tools supported by
the service provider.
• The user:
– Has control over the deployed applications and, possibly, application
hosting environment configurations.
– Does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including
network, servers, operating systems, or storage.
• Not particularly useful when:
– The application must be portable.
– Proprietary programming languages are used.
– The hardware and software must be customized to improve the
performance of the application.

The procedure that a cloud infrastructure carries out to run an application.

Please describe the procedure that a cloud infrastructure carries out to run an application.

(1)  Retrieve the user input from the front-end.

(2)  Retrieve the disk image of a VM (Virtual Machine) from a repository.

(3)  Locate a system and requests the VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) running on that system to setup a VM.

(4)  Invoke the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and the IP bridging software to set up MAC and IP addresses for the VM.

It implements a distributed storage system, the analog of Amazons S3 system, called Walrus. The procedure to construct a virtual machine is based on the generic one described in :

• the euca2ools front-end is used to request a VM;

• the VM disk image is transferred to a compute node;

• this disk image is modified for use by the VMM on the compute node;

• the compute node sets up network bridging to provide a virtual NIC with a virtual MAC address .

•in the head node the DHCP is set up with the MAC/IP pair;

• VMM activates the VM;

• the user can now ssh  directly into the VM.


網格運算 vs. 雲端運算
網格運算(Grid Computing)是透過利用大量異質電腦(通常為桌面Desktop)的未用資源(CPU資源和磁碟儲存空間),將其變成一個虛擬的計算機叢集,為解決大規模的計算問題提供了一個架構。網格計算的焦點放在支持跨網域運算的能力,運用平行運算,著重企業間或跨企業的資源充分運用,共同解決困難的運算任務。

雲端運算(Cloud Computing)則是一種具動態延展能力的運算方式,最基本的概念是將一個電腦運算工作(Task)分成許多程序(Process),透過分佈於網際網路中的伺服器群組(雲端主機)處理分析後,再將結果傳回使用者端。 雖然雲端運算源自平行運算的技術,不脫離網格運算的概念,但是雲端運算更專注在資料的處理。


軟體即服務(SaaS)Software as a Service



當前市面上不乏許多通行已久的SaaS服務,其中最耳熟能詳的莫過於Google Apps與Saleforce.com。採用P2P技術的Skype、趨勢科技的雲端防毒,以及YouTube、Facebook、Twitter等 Web應用程式,皆屬於不同類型的SaaS服務。微軟在既有商用軟體上,另外提供相對應線上軟體服務也是其中一種。在儲存方面,目前Amazon所提供的自助式內容分派服務CloudFront,以及支援檔案共享與資料同步化服務的微軟Live Mesh,皆屬於採用分散式雲端儲存技術的SaaS服務。

以CRM的SAAS應用實例中,隨著基於 Web的CRM所有的員工需要做的是註冊和登錄到中央系統,登錄後即可使用與存取所需之服務與資料。這種方式的供應商提供主機應用程序和數據,以便客戶可以自由地使用該服務。 SaaS是非常有效的降低成本的solution,因為它比直接購買與安裝應用程序的成本便宜得多,通常帳號的申請是須要付費的,並以月租費(年租)收費模式。這樣 SaaS的用戶可以不必擔心日後所有的安裝或升級問題。


平台即服務(PaaS)Platform as a Service


因SaaS的需求發展,現在正發展一種平台即服務(PaaS)的事業。 PaaS是指提供了一個資訊開發人員的平台。最終用戶編寫自己的程式碼於PaaS的提供商上傳的介面或API服務,並在網絡上服務。 SalesForce.com的Force.com是PaaS的例子。 PaaS的發展提供服務,測試,部署和維護應用程序的主機在相同的集成開發環境。它還提供了一定程度的支持創建應用程序。因此,PaaS的成本提供了一種更快,更有效的模型的應用開發和交付。 PaaS的供應商管理的升級,更新和其他日常系統維護。 PAAS是基於測光或訂閱模式,使用戶只需要支付他們的使用。用戶需要什麼,他們需要的複雜性,而不必擔心在幕後。
基本上有四種類型的PaaS的解決方案 – 社交應用平台,原計算平台,網絡應用平台和業務應用平台。 Facebook是一個社交應用平台類型,其中第三方可以編寫新的應用程序提供給最終用戶。客戶關係管理解決方案公司提供的業務應用平台的例子。開發人員可以上傳和執行他們的應用程序在亞馬遜的基礎設施,就是一個例子原料計算平台。雖然谷歌提供的API來構建 Web應用程序開發這是一個例子,網絡應用平台。


基礎設施即服務(IaaS)Infrastructure as a Service


最後談的部分是在雲端運算基礎設施。基礎設施即服務(IaaS)是交付的資訊基礎設施作為一個完全外包服務。能提供基礎設施服務像是谷歌,IBM,Amazon.com等,透過主機託管和發展環境,提供IaaS的服務項目。用戶可以根據需求購買基礎設施的服務,概念上只有使用者在特定時間付費,而非購買那些基礎設施的服務,也有可能該服務屬於短期性、暫時性。 IaaS的商業模式屬於“使用才付費”的模式,確保用戶僅需支付他們使用的服務。IaaS的供應商是透過虛擬化提供幾乎無限的客戶端服務,使承載的硬體效益更高。 IaaS的用戶認為享用企業級 IT基礎設施和資源,如果自行建構可能會非常昂貴。因此,能夠動態調整,以使用才付費、特定使用範圍為基礎的定價,是能夠降低成本並獲得卓越的IT資源,這就是IaaS最大的優勢。 IaaS在過去有時也被稱為硬體即服務(Hardware)。因為過去幾乎都以硬體的基礎設施作為服務產品,並提供了最大的靈活性,因為幾乎任何可以被虛擬化運作的平台都可在這環境中,這也是 IaaS的環境所提供的最大好處。尤其對於微型或中小型企業,其中最困難的事情要做的就是控制持續性的資本性支出。透過這些服務,中小企業能夠擁有使用企業級的硬體和數據中心。